About Us

      協會簡介 ( A Brief Introduction )




Chung-Hwa Railway Industry Development Association (CRIDA) established in 1997, it consists of some 90 member companies, including rolling-stock, power supply, signaling, track work and other railway industry related companies in Taiwan. With the full support of government through project base financing as well as policy wised encouragement, CRIDA has been actively assisting government in the promotion of major railway construction programs and to assist local industries in the advancement of railway technologies, which has contributed tremendously to the development of local railway industry and the increasing share of the local production.

The railway industry in Taiwan is still flourishing, the conventional rail replacement is going on, the Taiwan high speed rail is scheduled to operated in 2007 while the mass rapid transit systems in both Taipei and Kaohsiung are being extended, furthermore. It is envisage that the domestic railway market shall grow in a faster pace in the next ten years. The challenge ahead, still, is to elevate the overall railway technology locally in order to ensure the long lasting development of the Taiwan railway industry, which, a goal for CRIDA and its member companies.

      協會宗旨 ( Goals )

To assist government in promoting railway construction programs and to facilitating the development of railway industry.

      主要活動 ( Major Activities )
  • 協助本會成員與政府機構(包括中央、地方)、軌道系統營運者等之協商,以爭取產業製造商機。
  • 接受相關單位委託,執行與軌道工業發展相關之專案計畫,並藉以反映產業界意見。
  • 參與國內地方性採購車種之規範制訂與驗證程序之工作,並持續接受經濟部標準檢驗局委託擬定軌道工業產品國家標準草案。
  • 發行軌道產業速報,提供軌道產業技術、商業、政策發展相關資訊。
  • 辦理各種人員訓練,包括技術、行銷、營運等專才訓練,並建立軌道專業人才資料庫。
  • 協助辦理各種國內外研討會及展覽以促進我國軌道工業產品行銷。
  • 安排本會成員與國外廠商及鐵路單位相互參訪。
  • 促進本會成員之溝通與合作,如組成研發或商業策略聯盟共同爭取國內外商機。
  • 促進與國外軌道工業發展相關機構之交流。
  • Coordinating amongst government agencies, railway operators and the industry in order to promote railway market.
  • Conducting railway industry related research projects entrusted by government agencies or   private companies
  • Assisting Bureau of Standards, metrology and Inspection(BSMI) of Ministry of Economic Affairs  to construct national railway related standards.
  • Publishing railway newsletter and professional journals.
  • Sponsoring training courses for railway industry and maintaining railway professional data bank.
  • Conducting seminars and exhibitions on railway industry market and technology.
  • Arranging visiting programs, both locally and internationally, amongst railway industry related institutions, societies and private companies.
  • Organizing railway industry R&D and commercial strategic alliances.

Tel: (02)2709-7622  Fax: (02)2709-7633  Email: crida@crida.org   address:10657台北市大安區建國南路一段3013
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